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Showing posts from January, 2013

The unexpected details...

We our first appointment with a social worker for adoption was on Tuesday.  It definitely gave us a lot to think about.  I don't know what I was expecting to find out, but I was not prepared for what we learned about the children that are adopted out of child services.  I expected to hear of trauma.  I expected to hear it would be a lot of work and they would need great deal of care and love.  I expected they might have a delay in development and their ability to learn.  What I didn't expect to hear was that 90% of the children that are up for adoption, have some sort of brain damage due to being exposed to drugs and alcohol in the womb.  The extent of the damage varies, but almost all of them have special needs in some form. I don't know why I found this to be surprising. I don't know why it never crossed my mind.  Thinking about it now, it makes perfect sense, but It came as quite a shock to both me and my husband when we were told.  Our concern is that we might not

Step One

Some years back, I blogged about my husband and I considering adopting a child. Our son was still quite young back then and we didn't think it was the right time.  Now that he's a bit older (he turns 5 in May), we started discussing it again.  The outcome was that we are going to apply.  We have always wanted to take a child out of the child services system.  We want to offer a child a second chance at a loving stable home. Being the class mom for my son's kindergarten class has been a big part of why it's come up again.  There are thirty children in his class and there isn't one kid, I don't like.  I love them all.  Even the ones that aren't well behaved - I can't help but love them because I've gotten a chance to get to know them and they are all so lovely in their own way.  I look at them and think it would break my heart if I found out that any of them were in a position that they weren't loved and taken care of at home. I'm also really

Mean Girls!

I've had a few emails asking where I've been.  As a rule, I don't blog when I'm miserable.  I don't like to write a bunch of woe is me posts that air my dirty laundry. I'll summarize - my Christmas party was a disaster.  One of the party guests decided she didn't like me very much.  At the party, she said something (that wasn't true) that was apparently meant to make me look bad in front of my husband and other guests.  I decided there and then, I was done with her.  I didn't feel the need to say anything or cause a scene, but I knew I was done. She on the other hand, was not done and the following day, she caused a bit of a drama.  The end result is that there are very, very few people from my long awaited social circle who still want anything to do with me.  I won't give details or try to villainize anyone. It's just not my style.  There has apparently been enough of that already to cause so many people to turn against me without a word or