Tomorrow is my birthday. I'm turning 36. It feels uneventful this year - like I could almost forget if I wasn't near a calender. Maybe it's because this year things are more like they should be and turning another year older just isn't p phasing me all that much. I know last year turning 35 really bothered me, but I was turning 35 and still had no children - maybe I felt time was running out and it scared me. This year I'll be having a baby and I have a wonderful husband & marriage. This year it hardly even bothers me that I'll be spending most of the day by myself before Wayne gets home from work (I guess we'll have to see how I feel tomorrow). Maybe birthdays don't phase you as much when you have almost everything you want. A few friends in the same country would be nice, but I can't really complain can I? The baby furniture came for the nursery today. I'm really excited to see it and hoping Wayne will be just as keen and want to
The misadventures of a Jersey Girl that crossed the pond