Well, I did it - I went on the London eye and it was really cool. I only got dizzy a couple of times when I looked straight down. Other than that it wasn't scary at all. I was too busy taking pictures most of the time.
Unfortunately, it was really overcast and the photos didn't come out as nice as I would have liked. I really enjoyed the ride and hope to go back when the weather is better.
I wish I could say the rest of our day went as well as our ride on the London Eye, but sadly, it was not the case. Although it was really nice to see our friends, the journey into London put a real damper on the day - The train lines were being worked on between our town and London. We couldn't get a direct train in, so we were forced to take the train to a station in between and take a bus to the station that was going into London. The first train took 30 minutes (during which we were stuck sitting next to two drunk guys that were on their way to a soccer match - at 10:30 in the morning no less. We think they may have been drunk from the night before). Upon arrival to the next station, we had to wait 30 minutes for the bus to leave. When we saw the driver studying a map, we had a pretty good idea that our journey may not be a smooth one. Apparently, he was not a bus driver by trade because he not only didn't know where he was going, but he never went over 25 miles per hour the entire time - 90 minutes later, we reached the next station to pick up the train into London. The train also seemed to be going extremely slow and we finally arrived in London 30 minutes later. It was the trip from hell. What should have taken no more than 90 minutes took 3 frustrating hours (so if we look a mess - it's because we were by the time we got there)!
By the time we arrived we weren't in the best of moods. Our friends had plans that night and we only got a few hours with them before we had to take the same journey back. On the way back, the bus driver was a real bus driver and instead of going too slow, he drove a bit too fast and sitting in the back of the bus - we got a bit knocked around. In the scheme of things - it could have been worse because the bus ride only took about an hour going back so instead of 3 hours it was 2 and a half.
Next time we go to London, we'll be sure to look at the train schedule before we leave the house - the journey by car would probably only taken 2 hours. Live and learn.